The King Radio Station - 105.5 FM
Conyers, Ga - Time: Saturday 5AM-9AM
Your Supporting Value
- 2 Intro Brought to you by " Your Company or Organization "
Before Featured Segment
- 2 Outro Brought to you by " Your Company or Organization "
After Featured Segment
Segments Example: News, World Premire, Prayer,
Bless the Hits, Inspirational Moments
Brought to you by " Your Company or Organization "
also called Billboard (Name & Claim)
+(Bonus) R&G Website Only (30 Day Special) Limited time
1 - 30 Second Announcement everyday for 30 Days
- 1 - Social Media Blast Weekly
- 1 - 3:00 Minute Video Interview (Played on the R&G TV Channle)
The King 105.5 FM Ga - 1 hr Show- 2 Segments - 8 Billboards Total 32 Monthly